A PHP web gallery minigal.de Trustcheck Seal  
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:: Getting Started
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::   v0.4.7
::   v0.4.7 (lightbox)
::   v0.4.8
::   v0.4.8 (lightbox)
::   v0.4.9
::   v0.4.10

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Getting Started    Deutsch
  • Do download the current kh_mod version from the homepage
  • Unpack the downloaded archive and do open the contained file "readme.txt". There you will find all steps to install kh_mod on your web server.
  • After the successful installation do copy all pictures, videos and sounds, which you want to publish, via FTP into the directory 'pictures'. It is also possible to create there any number of sub folders, however all sub folders have to be set to 770 by chmod.
  • In order to insert the pictures, videos and sounds from the directory 'pictures' into the MG2 database, you have to choose the menu 'Import' in the MG2 admin area and to run it.
  • Alternatively, you can upload pictures, videos and sounds via the menu 'Import | Upload'. In this case the import will happen automatically. However, this method is only recommended, if you just haven't FTP access to the gallery.
With the new function as of kh_mod 0.4.8, HTML pages can also be included instead of pictures. This can be done via the menus "Import" or "Upload". There, HTML pages can be imported as well as be created on the fly via menu "New HTML".
This feature can be used, for example, to integrate videos from streaming platforms. But also pictures from your gallery can be integrated into these HTML pages. Either as a background picture in the admin area, see "HTML Options". Or in the same dialog directly in the HTML-code, e.g.:
<img src="pictures/beispiel.jpg" width="500" height="300">
Global settings

Global settings for the gallery can be set in the admin area under the menu item 'Options | Settings'. One of the installed skins can also be selected there.

Skin settings

Settings for skins can be made directly in the file 'settings.php' of the appropriate skin.