A PHP web gallery minigal.de Trustcheck Seal  
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::   v0.4.7
::   v0.4.7 (lightbox)
::   v0.4.8
::   v0.4.8 (lightbox)
::   v0.4.9
::   v0.4.10

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Changelog   Deutsch

0.4.10, March 04, 2024
Supported versions PHP 7.0 to 8.3
Fixed: Issue with the deprecation of the error constant E_STRICT since PHP 7.0
The external call of images with links with the parameter 'fullsize=1' is now displayed directly with colobox (lightbox effect), if this is set in the global settings. Previously, the HTML representation of the image was always displayed, which is not adapted to the size of the browser window.
The same applies to external calls of images with the parameter 'slideshow=xx', these are also displayed directly with colourbox (lightbox effect), if this is set in the global settings.
Link folders can now also refer to keywords in the same gallery. This makes it possible to create a kind of "virtual folders" containing images from other folders. Even if the checkbox for keywords has been unchecked in the global settings, so that they will no longer be displayed below images.
Timeouts during the import process do no longer lead to a program termination. If the execution time (max_execution_time) is exceeded, a dialog will be displayed informing you how many images have not yet been imported. Their import can then be continued from the dialog with a mouse click.
Preview images (thumbs) for the image formats JPEG, GIF, WebP and PNG are now displayed in the 'Import' dialog. For JPEGs that do not contain thumbs, these will be generated on-the-fly.
The value 'LensModel' for displaying Exif metadata of JPEG images has been added, but a current template file 'viewimage_exif.php' of the skin used is needed to use the feature.
Substantial refactoring in particular in the admin area
Some minor fixes

0.4.9, March 04, 2023
PHP code adaptation for PHP 8.2 (supported versions PHP 7.0 to 8.2)
Fixed: Display error introduced in kh_mod 0.4.8, in Keyword Mode, happened only with flatfile use, but not with SQL
Fixed: Display error in templates with "base href" introduced in kh_mod 0.4.8 happened only when the gallery was installed in the domain root
Fixed: The slideshow could not be played, error introduced in kh_mod 0.4.8, happend only when SEO links were actived and the gallery was installed in the domain root
Fixed: When using PHP 8.0 or higher, GIF images could no longer be uploaded, imported or processed
Fixed: In a gallery without video or HTML content, it was not possible to toggle between flat file and MySQL mode. Bug was introduced in kh_mod 0.4.8.
Fixed: When a JPEG image was rotated that did not have Exif data, it could be broken. Bug was introduced in kh_mod 0.4.1.
New: The slideshow can also be displayed with Colorbox (lightbox effect). Appropriately large images will then be automatically scaled to the size of the browser window (Menu: Options | Settings | General | Slideshow | Lightbox-Effect).
New: Click counter added to slideshow, but only the first call is counted, all further calls during a session are ignored
New: The automatic browser detection of the exif image orientation can be deactivated, as this sometimes results in incorrect values (Menu: Options | Settings | Image layout | Switch off Exif image rotation by browser)
New: Display of the maximum memory consumption (memory peak usage) added (Menu: Options | Server)
New: Added "Apply" button in the admin area "Options | Settings" to save changes without leaving the page
New: The logging can now be switched off (Menu: Options | Settings | Advanced)
New: For the SQL mode, arbitrary prefixes can be defined for tables, so multiple kh_mod installations are even possible within one SQL database
New: Swipe gestures added to Colorbox for touch screen use. To the left: next image, to the right: previous image, down: closes Colorbox.
Update: Flowplayer Version 7.0.4 up to 7.2.7 for display videos
Refactoring of the admin area "Options"
Refactoring the view of gallery content (folders, images, slideshow)
Refactoring writing of data files (Flatfile Mode)
Refactoring writing of data into main SQL tables: 'folders', 'items', 'settings'
Some minor skin adjustments done, especially for HTML content and touch screens
Some minor fixes

0.4.8, September 03, 2022
New: WebP support added
New: HTML support added, this allows HTML documents to be displayed instead of images and videos as well. Furthermore, videos, e.g. from Odysee, can be embedded this way.
New: The height and width of SVG graphics can now be edited
SEO links revised (for their use the current ".htaccess" file is required, see: Download | Addons)
Refactoring MySQL-Interface
Refactoring Keyword Mode
Display of Safe Mode status removed (admin area)
Some minor fixes

0.4.7, July 14, 2022
PHP code adaptation for PHP 7.0 to 8.1
PHP code refactoring
Skins converted to HTML5 (but old skins as of kh_mod 0.4.0 can still be used)
Added four new parameters to the skin settings (settings.php)
  • min. thumb icon height
  • min. thumb icon width
  • min. folder icon height
  • min. folder icon width
Some minor fixes

0.4.5, January 31, 2015
Fixed: Some issues concerning calculation of Exif data, if the image is processed by an image editing program that uses the Exiv2-Libraray like Helicon Filter as of version 4
New: SVG-Support (experimental)
Update: JSColor to version 1.4.4
Update: Prototype to version 1.7.2
Changed: The restore function (Options | Data) now is able to use legacy backups made by kh_mod 0.3.x.
Changed: Legacy backups by kh_mod 0.3.x are no longer renamed during a kh_mod update, because the restore function now is able to deal with them.
Changed: Sorting algorithm for folders, items and keywords in the case of using the UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15 or GB2312 charset (s. file "xx_XX.gallery.php")
Some minor fixes

0.4.4, May 01, 2014
Changed: Compatibility with PHP 5.5 has been improved
Changed: Error level E_DEPRECATED has been disabled in "admin.php"
Changed: Error level E_WARNING for timezone of the date functions has been disabled in "admin.php" and "index.php"
Changed: e-mail verification for comments and admin e-mail has been revised
Changed: It's now possible to switch off the automatical line break '</tr><tr>' for tables in the thumbnail view of the gallery, therefor you have to insert the following line into the file "viewthumbs_begin.php" of your used skin. In this way, floating skins are easily to create for kh_mod:
<?php $ViewfolderHelper->setLineBreak(false);?>
Some minor fixes

0.3.5, May 01, 2014
Update: Prototype to version 1.7.0
Update: Scriptaculous to version 1.9.0
Update: WZ Tooltips to version 5.3.1
Changed: Compatibility with PHP 5.5 has been improved
Changed: Error level E_DEPRECATED has been disabled in "admin.php"
Changed: Error level E_WARNING for timezone of the date functions has been disabled in "admin.php" and "index.php"
Changed: e-mail verification for comments and admin e-mail has been revised
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.4.3, Mar 04, 2014
Fixed: In flat file mode, the counter data would sporadically reset to zero, if a multiple access happend to the gallery at the same time.
Fixed: Some HTML issues concerning the "Data" menu (Options | Data), which appeared due to a faulty nesting of form and table tags.
New: Multiple keywords can be allocated to, or removed from, multiple items at once in the table view of the admin area.
New: Apart from the listed order keywords can be displayed in alphabetical order as well (Options | Settings | Image layout).
New: Native support for iDevices (iPhone, iPad and iPod), thus e.g. videos can be played embedded in the HTML-page, therefor the skin file "viewflash.php" had to be adapted.
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.2.18
Update: JSColor to version 1.4.2
Changed: The items of the drop down boxes of the "Upload" and "Import" dialogs, "Target directory (server)" and "Source directory (server)" respectively, are now sorted.
Some minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.4.2, Oct 20, 2013
Fixed: Some issues regarding to SQL mode "Traditional" (MySQL)
New: MySQL interface MySQLi has been implemented for PHP 5.4 and higher. If a previous PHP version is used, then the former interface will be used as well.
New: Additional control "Daily statistic" (Options | Stats | The click statistic)
New: System folder "Last imported Items" added to the admin area, the folder contents all files of the last upload or import of the current session.
New: Option "Force thumb size to setting values" has been implemented, thus now it's also possible to create square thumbnails of any picture, if you enter the same value for width and height (Options | Settings | Folder content).
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.2.16
Update: JSColor to version 1.4.1
Update: Colorbox to version 1.4.7 (last Version with IE6 support)
Changed: Memory need to rotate pictures has been reduced up to 30 percent
Changed: File "mg2admin_convert.php" was renamed to "mg2admin_converter.php" and the code has been refactored
Changed: If the database is switched from flat file to MySQL or back, now the number of MySQL records for counter and keyword data will be displayed. In earlier versions all data of each item (picture, video, or sound) were counted only as one data record. For this reason, the displayed number of records is now usually higher than in previous kh_mod versions.
Changed: At the admin e-mail notification about new comments the website charset will be added, thus display errors are prevented as far as possible in the text of the e-mail. Besides that, any tags of the subject line will be removed.
Changed: Some small improvments were made for the GUI of the admin area in terms of WebKit browsers (Google Chrome, Safari etc.)
Some minor fixes
Updating of languages

New addon CKEditor, Jun 21, 2013
This addon installs the CKEditor as web text editor into the admin area of kh_mod as of version 0.4.1.
The CKEditor runs with almost all browsers. However, with the Internet Explorer 6 and 7 there can appear some small issues. So, for these browsers, you'd better use the FCKEditor 2.6.8.
In contrast to the FCKEditor the CKEditor hasn't got a built-in file manger. Instead you can get the CKFinder separately.

Updated addon FCKEditor 2.6.8, Jun 14, 2013
Fixed an issue regarding to the root path of the integrated file manager. Now, the root directory points to the image directory of the gallery.
The access protection of the file manager has been improved.
Some minor fixes

0.4.1, Dec 12, 2012
Fixed: Some issues regarding to the charset "windows-1253" (Greek)
New: Additional sort options for the drag & drop sorting, e.g. sort by Exif date, file date, random etc.
New: Upload and import modules have been rewritten, particularly to improve them for mass data import
New: Auto rotate support has been added for JPEG images based on Exif meta tags
New: Support for "link folder" has been implemented. That means, a mouse click on such a folder doesn't open a thumbnail overview but a new web page corresponding to the specified link.
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.2.15
Update: JSColor to version 1.4.0
Update: Colorbox to version
Changed: Array 'all_images' has been renamed to 'all_items' (in all involved files)
Changed: The error level E_STRICT has been switched off in "admin.php"
Some minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.4.0 pl3, Sep 16, 2012
Fixed: The options "Lock", "Unlock" and "Delete" for e-mails were broken in the admin area.
Fixed: Only for blank folders a description text was displayed twice in the gallery.
Fixed: The comment counter wasn't updated below folder thumbs if the gallery was running in the admin mode.
Fixed: Named character entities, e.g. &amp;, &copy; etc., were not correctly displayed in the browser title bar and browser tab.

0.4.0 pl1, Feb 21, 2012
Fixed: The option "Delete originals" in the dialogs "Upload", "Import" and "Rebuild" was broken.

0.4.0 final, Feb 15, 2012
Fixed: Upload error introduced with kh_mod 0.4.0 rc1, which could appear if there were files with the same name and file path on the web server.
Fixed: Some file path errors related to the integration of MG2 into another HTML page (Options | Settings | Advanced: "Include gallery script into HTML page")
Update:JSColor to version 1.3.12
Changed: Skin compatibility to HTML 5 improved
Some minor fixes

0.4.0 rc2, Jan 08, 2012
Fixed: The Chronicle file couldn't be created in the 'Flat file' mode
New: Settings in the statistical analysis are now permanent saved
New: Into MySQL table 'mg2db_chronicle' attribute 'statisticsets' was added
Update:Colorbox to version 1.3.19
Update: Prototype to version 1.7.0
Update: Scriptaculous to version 1.9.0
Changed: In order to change only the gallery language, now its full name is necessary, e.g.: http://www.yourdomain.com/gallery/index.php?ln=da_DK
Some minor fixes

0.4.0 rc1, Dec 24, 2011
New: Admin area 'Keywords' was added (Table view: System folders | Keywords)
New: Admin area 'Bookmarked images' was added (Table view: System folders | Bookmarked images)
New: Statistical analysis was added (Options | Stats)
New: Download function was added (Options | Settings | Image map 2)
New: MySQL-Table 'mg2db_chronicle' was added
Update: Skins have been further improved
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.2.7
Update: Colorbox to version
Several small improvements
Some minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.3.4, Jan 15, 2011
New: HTTP-Header 'X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN' was inserted into install
New: HTTP-Header 'X-Frame-Options: DENY' was inserted into update
New: During the installation, the most important files are verified by SHA1
Changed: URL-encode completely added for thumbnail display
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.4.0 b4, Jan 15, 2011
New: Option 'Thumbnail arrangement' with 'Auto', 'Center' and 'Justify'
New: Folders with empty sub folders can be also deleted
New: Folders are now sortable by drag 'n' drop
New: Keyword support implemented into the gallery
New: MySQL-Tables 'mg2db_keywords' and 'mg2db_item_keyword'
New: Colorbox version 1.3.15 implemented for 'Fullsize' pictures (optional)
New: HTTP-Header 'X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN' in install and gallery
New: HTTP-Header 'X-Frame-Options: DENY' in update and admin area
New: During the installation, the most important files are verified by SHA1
New: Admin password hash changed from MD5 to SHA1 (incl. salt)
New: Function 'Rebuild' advanced options
Update: Skins have been completely revised
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.2.5
Update: FCKEditor to version 2.6.6
Changed: If an import session breaks off caused by a timeout (maximum execution time), it can be continued by the reload button (browser).
Changed: Global settings for the PHP environment are now taken into account for the determination of available memory, e.g. such as in "htaccess" files.
Changed: URL-encode completely added for thumbnail display
Changed: Directory '/skins/_global_' has been renamed to 'addons' and moved to the gallery root
Changed: File 'mg2db_fdatabase.php' has been renamed to 'mg2db_folders.php'
Changed: File 'mg2db_idatabase.php' has been renamed to 'mg2db_items.php'
Changed: MySQL-Table 'mg2db_fdatabase' has been renamed to 'mg2db_folders'
Changed: MySQL-Table 'mg2db_idatabase' has been renamed to 'mg2db_items'
Changed: Backup files have been moved to '/data/backup'
Changed: Pause function was added to slideshow
Several small improvements
Some minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.3.3, Jan 15, 2010
New: In the admin area (table view), there are also tooltips available for folders with thumbnails.
Update: Prototype to version 1.6.1
Update: Scriptaculous to version 1.8.3
Changed: The data structure of the MySQL table 'idatabase'
Changed: If an import session breaks off caused by a timeout (maximum execution time), it can be continued by the reload button (browser).
Changed: Global settings for the PHP environment are now taken into account for the determination of available memory, e.g. such as in "htaccess" files.
Changed: The Exif module was revised.
Further minor improvements
Several minor fixes

0.4.0 b3, Jan 15, 2010
New: Splash-Images for video and sound content.
New: Keyword support for pictures, videos etc. (experimental)
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.1.5
Update: Prototype to version 1.6.1
Update: Scriptaculous to version 1.8.3
Update: FCKEditor to version 2.6.5
Update: WZ Tooltips to version 5.3.1
Changed: The data structure of the MySQL table 'idatabase'.
Changed: The comment functions were concluded as module in an apart class/file.
Changed: The Exif module was revised.
Further minor improvements
Several minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.3.2, Jun 07, 2009
Fixed: In the log entry 'New settings saved' the file name was missing.
Changed: The API for the addon 'Random Picture' adapted ('remoteID', 'GALLERY_ID').
Changed: The Tab Control in the admin area (Menu 'Setup') adapted for MSIE 8.
New: In the view 'Table' (admin area) the number of pictures of each folder (incl. subfolders) is displayed.
New: In the view 'Table' (admin area) all rebuild buttons are protected by a JavaScript dialog.
Some minor fixes

0.4.0 b2, May 03, 2009
Fixed: The gallery view 'Thumbnails' was broken sometimes, since a function (mb_check_encoding) was called which is missing in PHP less than 4.4.3.
Fixed: On uploading or importing pictures with PHP 5.1.2 or above, the function (imagepng) for creating thumbnails obtained an invalid parameter for the image compression.
Update: Flowplayer to version 3.1.0
Changed: In the view 'Category' (Menu 'Setup', Option 'Display folders as categories') all pictures in the subfolders are counted now. Beforehand were considered maximally two levels only.
Changed: The implementation of the HTML-Editor was improved in the admin area.
New: Audio-Support of MP3-files by Flowplayer
Some minor fixes

0.3.1a, Apr. 26, 2009
Fixed: The gallery view 'Thumbnails' was broken sometimes, since a function (mb_check_encoding) was called which is missing in PHP less than 4.4.3.
Fixed: On uploading or importing pictures with PHP 5.1.2 or above, the function (imagepng) for creating thumbnails obtained an invalid parameter for the image compression.
Changed: In the view 'Category' (Menu 'Setup', Option 'Display folders as categories') all pictures in the subfolders are counted now. Beforehand were considered maximally two levels only.
Changed: The implementation of the HTML-Editor was improved in the admin area.
Some minor fixes

0.4.0 b1, Apr. 12, 2009
New: Video support for MP4, MOV und FLV by the Flowplayer 3.0.7
Changed: Online-Editor HTMLArea replaced by the FCKEditor 2.6.4

0.3.1, Apr. 12, 2009
Fixed: An empty gallery (without pictures) couldn't switch from Flatfile to MySQL.
Fixed: In the flatfile mode not all pictures could be deleted. At least one picture had to stay in the gallery.
Fixed: If still no folder were created, thus existing pictures were not displayed in the gallery!
Fixed: If the comment counter was switched off and on as well as at the same time a comment was posted, thus the number of comments was not correctly determined.
Fixed: During the processing of a date with the month in three characters, a function (stripos) missing in PHP 4.x was used.
Fixed: In the Folder and Picture Editor the time statements 'PM' and 'p.m.' was ignored.
Fixed: If in the dialogs 'Upload' or 'Import' the option 'Delete originals' was selected, nevertheless the size of the original picture was displayed instead of the smaller one.
Changed: The display of 'mg2_log.txt' is completely filtered. Which means that all applicable characters are converted to HTML entities.
Changed: If the file 'mg2_log.txt' is greater than 300 KByte, thus it will be no longer completely deleted, but the last 360 entries remain.
Changed: Before thumbnails will be created or pictures rotated, first the required main memory is calculated.
Changed: Now, thumbnails are created in the format of the original picture. This means that thumbs of PNG pictures are saved in the PNG format, thumbs of GIF pictures are saved in the GIF format and so on (before thumbnails were always saved in the JPEG format).
Changed: Still existing links to MG2 (www.minigal.dk) were completely removed.
Changed: In the file 'style.css' of all skins the selector 'table.category' is extended by 'text-align:left;'. Thus the justification in the view 'Category' is left also in MSIE 7.0 and Opera 9.0 or above.
New: All Event Handlers will be removed from the comment entries, e.g. 'onMouseOver'.
New: The intro text in the view 'Category' can be set global to 'Force align left' and 'Force justify' (Menu 'Setup', Section 'Folder content').
New: In the Menu 'Setup | Server' the size and access permissions of important gallery files will be displayed.
A lot of minor fixes
Updating of languages

0.3.0 final, Oct. 31, 2008
New: In the admin login the cursor is set in the password field by JavaScript.
Some minor fixes

0.2.4, Oct. 29, 2008
Fixed: Bug introduced with kh_mod version 0.2.3: Items will be sorted according to their ID, not to their name, although the sorting mode is selected 'Name'.
Fixed: The import of MG2 0.5.0/0.5.1 image data mixed thumbnail height with timestamp.
New: In the admin login the cursor will set in the password field by JavaScript.
Some minor fixes

0.3.0 rc2, Oct. 04, 2008
Fixed: The import of MG2 0.5.0/0.5.1 image data mixed thumbnail height with timestamp.
Changed: Updating file 'password.php' in all skins
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updating of languages

0.3.0 rc1, Aug. 15, 2008
Fixed: Bug introduced with kh_mod version 0.3.0 b5 and 0.2.3: Items will be sorted according to their ID, not to their name, although the sorting mode is selected 'Name'.
New: SEO-Links, e.g. 'image180.html' (optional)
New: Admin mode for gallery. This will automatically be activated, if you call the gallery via admin area. In admin mode, counters will be locked and passwords will not be checked for protected folders.
New: Time format selectable, e.g. Hour:Minute AM/PM
Changed: The captcha addon works also without Freetype support.
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updating of languages

0.3.0 b6, Jun. 06, 2008
New: HTTP Header inserted in 'index.php' and 'admin.php' for included JavaScript.
New: HTTP Header inserted in 'index.php' and 'admin.php' for included CSS.
New: HTTP-Header 'X-Robots-Tag' selectable in the admin area.
New: HTML-Metatags 'noarchive' and 'nosnippet' selectable in the admin area.
New: Comments can be verified by captcha, white- and blacklist (Menu 'Setup/Comments').
New: The comment form can be hidden in the image view (Menu Setup/Comments).
New: Restore module (Menu 'Setup/Database')
New: Backup files deletable in the admin area (Menu 'Setup/Database').
New: Counter management with MySQL support (optional).
New: The web server can be set on the character set of the language file (Menu 'Setup/Advanced').
New: Language file splitted in 'xx_XX.admin.php' and 'xx_XX.gallery.php'.
New: Gallery View 'Categories' for folder in all skins (optional).
New: 'Latest image' as folder icon selectable (Folder Editor).
New: Automatic setting of new folder positions (Folder Editor).
New: Tooltips for thumbnails in the gallery (optional)
Changed: Skins were completely revised.
Changed: Improved Exif data display
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updating of languages

0.2.3, May 16, 2008
Fixed: In the skins 'rounded' and 'framed' didn't display the file 'thumbs.php', if comments are present.
New: HTTP Header inserted in 'index.php' und 'admin.php' for included JavaScript
New: HTTP Header inserted in 'index.php' und 'admin.php' for included CSS
New: 12 new date formats
Changed: Improved Exif data display
Changed: Improved MSIE 7/Vista compatibility
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.3.0 b5, Apr. 15, 2008
New: The programming of click and comment counter was redesigned and the file format adapted to MG2.
New: Backup module (Menu 'Setup/Database')
New: Image sorting by drag 'n' drop completely integrates (Folder Editor, button beside 'Position').
New: 12 new date formats
Changed: MySQL support improvements
Changed: Improved MSIE 7/Vista compatibility
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updating of languages

0.3.0 b4, Mar. 03, 2008
New: Click and comment counter was integrated into the gallery.
New: Display of the file name changeable (upper and lower case, with and without extension).
Changed: MySQL support revised.
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.2.2, Dec. 31, 2007
Fixed: Error in calculation of image size corrected.
Changed: The update function 'check_new_version' removed for MG2.
Changed: Function to create thumbnails and mediums optimized.
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.3.0 b3, Dec. 31, 2007
Changed: The update function 'check_new_version' removed for MG2.
New: Directory structure of the server importable (Menu 'importing').
New: Extended options for the selection of folder icons (Folder Editor).
New: Number of columns and rows can be set different for each folder.
New: Behavior with mouse-click on image in the menu 'setup' selectable
('With mouse-click on image go to').
New: Images can be protected by transparent GIF.
New: File name can be displayed as image headline (Menu 'Setup').
New: Image headline as 'alt' attribute usable (Menu 'Setup').
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.3.0 b2a, Nov. 09, 2007
Changed: The update function 'check_new_version' deactivated for MG2.
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.3.0 b2, Oct. 31, 2007
New: MySQL support (experimental)
New: New comments become locked (optional)
New: The email addresses in comments can be hidden for the gallery
New: Comments can now be locked and unlocked (Picture Editor)
Some minor fixes and improvements

0.3.0 b1, July 8, 2007
New: Image sorting by drag 'n' drop (Folder Editor, button beside 'Position').
New: Random icons for folders can be also created from contained subfolders (Folder Editor).
New: Extended upload options (Menu 'Upload'), e.g. target directory on web server.
New: Extended import options (Menu 'Import').
New: Display of important web server settings (Menu 'Setup/Server').
New: Further setting options designated in the 'Setup' menu.

0.2.1, May 19, 2007
Changed: There are new parameters for the call of pictures 'iID' and folders 'fID' in version 0.2.0. Thus old links were no longer valid to pictures and folders. In 0.2.1 both the new and the old parameters 'id' and 'list' can be used.
Fixed: The setting HTML Metatag 'robots' in the admin area didn't run correctly
Fixed: Incompatibility to PHP5 in 'mg2_functions.php'.
Fixed: Display error with Opera 9.20 in 'viewimage_exif.php' for all skins.

0.2.0 final, Apr. 30, 2007
New: Entry 'Photographer' in the Picture Editor.
New: Gallery title, folder name, file name and Image title can be used for the meta tag 'title'.
New: Meta tag 'robots' selectable by admin inteface.
New: Extended Exif display, all values can be switched off one by one.
New: Improved the calculation of the Exif value 'Exposure time' for cellphone cams.
New: Thumbnail bar for image navigation (optional).
New: Logging of IP and host with comment entries (optional).
New: 'data' directory for database and log files.
Some minor fixes and improvements
Adaption of standard skins
Updating of languages

0.2.0 b1, Feb. 28, 2007
New: Overwrite existing images by web interface (menu 'Upload').
New: Support of subfolders for pictures.
New: The data base works now with associative arrays, so that the indices of the pictures and folders are identical to the respective array index.

0.1.0 pl1, Jan. 25, 2007
Fixed: Access to Admin area without password.
New: Displaying the number of comments per picture in the table view (Admin).

0.1.0 final, Dec. 24, 2006
Fixed: 'exif.php' revised, 'ExposureTime', 'ShutterSpeed', 'Flash', 'ApertureWidth' and 'MaxApertureWidth' supply now correct values.
Fixed: The format of date '%Y%m%d' could not be recognized by JS Calendar, e.g. the calendar indicated to NaN at '20050830, 20:35' everywhere.
Fixed: Empties bold tags into 'viewimage_begin.php' line 13 against CSS exchanged.
Changed: XML attribute added to all <html> tags.
Changed: Unnecessary program code removes, 'dec2frac()' and 'getlanguages()' from 'mg2_function.php'
Changed: If the entered date isn't recognized (in the picture or folder editor), the stored date is no longer changed to the current date.
New: Click counter basic functions integrates in 'mg2_function.php' for the counter addon.
New: Language selection in the gallery now also possible by $_GET, e.g. 'index.php?ln=en' (ISO 639-1). The language selection is saved in the session variable '$selectlang'.
New: Variable '$mg2->modversion' defines for the version of kh_mod.
New: The eMail address in the admin setup is verified now by PHP.
New: Format of date '%e/%m %Y' added, e.g. 3/11 2008
New: 'lang' directory protected by '.htaccess'
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated languages

0.1.0 b3, Nov. 28, 2006
Fixed: Except the root folder no other folder could be opened (only with the update).
Fixed: In each case the first comment of a picture was sent as email to the Admin.
Fixed: The name of root folder was set automatically, if it did not exist.
Fixed: Sometimes problems with the recognition of the language files, during the installation of full version.
Fixed: Thumbnails within the admin area have displayed sometimes the date of the previous picture.
Fixed: HTMLArea text formatting error eliminates.
Changed: Comment delete function protected against inadvertent deletion by 'Reload Button'.
Changed: Date functions revises, changed over from 'date()' to 'strftime()' and date locates.
Changed: 'viewimage_comment.php' adapted to new format of date.
Changed: For Exif 'Original' date now 'DTOpticalCapture' is used instead 'DateTime'.
Changed: The value of the HTTP charset header is determined now by the loaded language file.
Changed: Special characters for the verification of inputs are now in the language files.
Changed: The output buffer of status messages for rebuilding thumbs, is now switched off.
Changed: HTMLArea file 'htmlarea.js' was compressed.
Changed: 'admin.css' with the Font 'Helvetica' supplements.
New: Calendar Theme 'calendar_mg2.css'
New: 'includes' folder protected by '.htaccess'
New: Workaround by 'touch()' for the function 'imagejpeg()' inserted, for 'safe mode' only.
New: If active skin is no longer present, now an error message is indicated after login.
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated languages

0.1.0 b2, Nov. 04, 2006
Folders are sortable according to different criteria.
Numbers for folders and pictures as sorting criterion.
Folders and individual pictures can be locked.
Folders and pictures can be published automatically on a determinate date.
Displaying file names under the thumbnails (optional).
Thumbnails size in the admin area adjustable.
All thumbnails of a folder can be generated at one go.
Arbitrary name for the root folder selectable.
With the picture upload and import, the target folder is freely selectable.
The passwort protection of folders is applying to subfolders, too (optional).
Comments are editable now in the admin area.
Comment files will be deleted from the admin area, if no entry is more contained there.
Comments can be verified by JavaScript (optional).
Form verification for comments by PHP, in especially to a formally correct email address.
Contents of incorrect forms for comments are repeated indicated.
Comments de- and ascending sortable.
Rotation of GIF pictures (if by the installed GD version supports).
Tooltips for mini thumbs available (admin area).
All JavaScript functions (HTMLArea, Tooltips etc.) can be switched off one by one.
Image navigation is now possible with text or icon links.
Slideshow only callable, if pictures in the displayed folder are present.
Automatic jumping over of missing pictures with the Slideshow.
Upload verification, only files are imported, whose file extension is registered in the setup.
The picture folder is freely definable, i.e., the pictuere folder doesn't have to be called any more 'pictures', it can be also in another folder than the root gallery or on another server - if the PHP installation permits this.
Circle references are prevented when moving folders. In addition all functions are now resistant to already existing circle references.
The width of the introduction text of folders in the admin area adjustable.
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated standard skins
Updated languages